Cropping Pattern

Telangana grows 27 important crops in Kharif and Rabi seasons put together covering an area of about 53.51 lakh ha. The important crops grown are Rice (14.19) lakh ha, Maize (6.63) lakh ha, Pulses (6.11) lakh ha, Groundnut (1.89) lakh ha, Cotton (18.13) lakh ha, Chillies (0.83) lakh ha and Sugarcane (0.41) lakh ha. Etc. 78.76% of the area is grown in Kharif and the remaining 21.24% is cultivated in Rabi.

Agro Climatic Zones

Based on climatic parameters i.e. Rainfall, Soils and cropping pattern etc., the state (10 districts) is divided in to 4 Agro-climatic zones. The agricultural planning for each zone is supported with the research and recommendations of Regional Agricultural Research Stations of ANGRAU setup within each zone.

Classification of Agro Climatic Zones in Telangana

No.Name of the zoneజిల్లాలుHead QuartersPercentageGeographical area ( of mandals
1.Northern Telangana ZoneKarimnagar, Nizamabad, Adilabadజగిత్యాల35.51446
2Central Telangana ZoneWarangal, Khammam, Medakవరంగల్30.61327
3.Southern Telangana ZoneMahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Rangareddy (+Hyderabad)Palem39.31646
4.High Altitude & Tribal Areas ZoneHigh Altitude & Tribal Areas Of Khammam & Adilabad districtsChintapalli4.66133
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