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The Planning Department is the nodal department for implementing, monitoring, and evaluating government programs, including the allocation and sanctioning of funds for schemes such as the Special Development Fund (SDF), Constituency Development Fund (CDP), Crucial Balancing Fund (CBF), Kodangal Area Development Authority (KADA) and MPLADS Scheme. The department also provides grant-in-aid to institutions, i.e., MCRHRD Institute of Telangana, Council for Social Development (CSD), and Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS) for training and research projects and to the Telangana Brahmin Samkshema Parishad (TBSP) for the welfare of the deprived population within the Brahmin community. The Department is the nodal department for all NITI Aayog programs such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Aspirational District Program (ADP), and Aspirational Blocks Program (ABP), in the State

For more information about Department Profile, HODs and Organization Chart go through the tabs below.

Sri Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu


The Hon’ble Planning Minister

NameSri Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu
Contact numbers

Organizations and Contacts

Note: As per the AP Reorganization Act, 2014, certain institutions serve both the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh till they are bifurcated. The below listed organizations and institutions should be seen in that light.​

Prl. Secretary (FAC)Sri Sandeep Kumar Sultania, IAS, Fax 23452049
Jt. SecretarySri Ch. Shivalingaiah, IAS040-23452746, Fax 23452049
Director (Planning)Sri V. Omprakash, dir.ts.plg.@gmail.com7396135552
Director (M&E)7386545552
Dy. SecretarySri A. Venkatesham040-23450590, 7386690300
Jt. DirectorSri M. Mohan Rao9866666349
Director of Economics and Statistics
Director (FAC)Sri P. Rufus Datham dir.dests@gmail.com9849901514
Joint DirectorSri Ravinder Reddy dd.dests.isd@gmail.com7675937766
Joint DirectorSri J. Venkata Ramana, jd.asd.dests@gmail.com9000701297
Telangana Remote Sensing Applications Centre
Director GeneralSri Sandeep Kumar Sultania, IAS dgtrac@gmail.com040-23224635, 23755542, 23754622, Fax: 23755543
Addl. Director (Gen.)Sri P. Manohar040-23324636
Director (Statistics)Sri P. Manohar040-23324632, 23324633, 98499 01392
Telangana Development/Planning Society (TGDPS)
Member SecretarySri Sandeep Kumar Sultania, IAS
Cheif Executive Officer (I/C)9849901531
Asst. Executive OfficerSri M.R. Venkata Ramana9849901531

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